Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pondicherry home of the ashram of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother

We spent the last few days in Pondicherry on the Bay of Bengal north of Madurai 4 hours. India is changing, we went by car (with driver) on new 2 lane divided highway.  What a shock to see this highway here and although there was an occasional cow crossing the road, the  cars were all going in pretty much the same direction.  the countryside is more beautiful than I ever remember.  The cities still filled with trash.  Above you see Gandhi along the beachfront in Pondy.  In the evenings people pack this walk along the ocean.

 The boats are colorful and constant with fresh fish sound in open air markets.
 Our room at the ashram guest house over looking the ocean and with mosquito netting covering the beds.
 Beautiful flowers everywhere.  A daily offering.
 Entrance to the garden.
 A goldsmith works right in the shop where the jewelry is sold.
 Outside one of the many Hindu temples found throughout the south is an elephant.
 And the temple venders
 Matrimindir, the meditation center in Auroville.  Inside is an incredibly beautiful meditation room.
 Yoga at the hospital.


  1. Seems like a really amazing place.

  2. Mamo and Baba
    How rich! I love seeing what you're doing in India.
    Thanks for doing this.

  3. suzie - yes, i'm checking in to your blog. it is almost like being there myself. love the colorful clothing on your HUGE yoga class. wow. you are amazing and bill too. i will check out bill's youtube video of his talk.

  4. Your photos and narrative take me back to our trip to India and the friends we made there. Such beauty all around. Thank you for sharing through your blog.
